Analyse thousands of pieces of community input in seconds

Save 50% of your time in analysing large volumes of data with AI-Powered Sensemaking. With automatic data analysis and meticulously generated reports, now you can focus on more inclusive and efficient public decision-making.

Learn more below

Where efficiency meets accuracy in community engagement analysis

Feeling overwhelmed by the volume of community feedback? CitizenLab's AI-powered Sensemaking tool is crafted to combine the nuanced approach of human-led community engagement with the power of AI. Now you can now spend less time on data analysis and more on what truly matters—building a vibrant and sustainable community.

Organise and prioritise top community needs.

Sensemaking begins by organising thousands of pieces of community input, using advanced auto-tagging to highlight key themes and topics within seconds. Effortlessly turn large data sets into key themes within seconds, uncovering the issues that matter most to your community.

Analyse and summarise with precision

Next, summarise your complex data sets in seconds into to clear, actionable insights, directly in our platform. Featuring easy source verification, ensure your insights accurately reflect your community's input, enhancing decision-making precision.

Maximise data with actionable insights and reports.

Finally, transform data into actionable insights and impactful reports. Create custom reports that highlight critical themes from your community's input, enabling you to effectively close the feedback loop with residents and maintain an informed and engaged community.

"Thanks to the AI assistant, we saved about 10 hours, or 50%, in the analysis phase. These AI-generated summaries were a good base to develop the reports needed to share with the public and stakeholders, enhancing transparency and inclusivity in decision-making processes."

Esther Pickard, Digital and Web Product Manager, Cambridge City Council (UK)

Putting transparency and customisation in data analysis and decision-making

AI tool with trust built-in

With a strong emphasis on transparency, you can easily verify the sources of your AI-generated summaries by clicking directly into the community input it’s pulling from. This ensures the accuracy of insights and builds confidence in the decisions made, keeping you firmly in control of the data summarisation process.

Made specifically for your engagement

Our AI assistant pre-loads your analysis with proven, government-specific AI prompts, ensuring you tap into the most relevant insights from your community data. No need to start from scratch – we've done the research and training for you to guarantee the utility and accuracy of your results, empowering you to make informed decisions quickly and effectively.

Better and faster insights into your community

analyse data in
12x increase
in resident engagement, including from under heard groups.
50% less
time spent on analysis
and reporting

See how it works

Say goodbye to the endless hours spent on data analysis and report generation. See how you can cut analysis time by 50%, turning community feedback into clear, actionable insights with ease. Experience how advanced auto-tagging and transparent, AI-generated summaries can transform your engagement efforts. Sensemaking is about making your job easier, and amplifying the impact of your work in your community.

Get inspired

Learn from cities that have leveraged our AI assistant for their success and explore expert-curated best practices to see how our tool can enhance your community engagement efforts.

Cambridge City Council analyses input of Design Code consultation – 50% faster with CitizenLab’s AI assistant

Cambridge experienced first-hand the power of CitizenLab’s AI assistant in the analysis of open-ended text responses during their Design Code consultation for northern Cambridge neighbourhoods. Discover how it helped the team save 10 precious hours and opened the door for including more free-text questions in future consultations, enriching the depth and quality of community engagement.

Read more

Webinar | Maximising efficiency with AI

Watch our webinar with the City of Vienna to learn how they have seamlessly integrated offline input with our AI tool to lead to more efficient engagement.

Watch the webinar

Guide | Leveraging AI in engagement

Get practical tips on how you can fine tune your communications, engagement strategies, and data analysis with AI, including a cheat sheet that includes ready-to-use prompts, tailored for engagement practitioners.

Download the guide
Grow your skills through the CitizenLab Academy
Through an interactive, online course we share our experience and expertise from working with hundreds of local governments in a highly accessible and flexible format.

10 course modules  divided into 5 course blocks provide end-to-end training and guidance on planning and executing digital public participation initiatives.
Learn from and get inspired by the CitizenLab community
We’ve helped 300+ local governments and organizations foster meaningful dialogue and understand their communities better.

Besides learning from our experts, we also promote peer learning through our Community Platform, an exclusive hub for our clients to connect, ask questions, and stay in the loop about the exciting projects that are launching all over the world.
Explore all of our resources