
Quick answers to enable responsive decisions

View our features

Public polling tool

Quick community feedback

Ask for quick feedback on a specific topic to understand community priorities.
Easy to set up
Effortlessly set up a poll with multiple questions and send it out to your targeted community in no time.
Multi-phase, multi-engagement projects
Build your own multi-phase project with polling as part of the process.

A quick start for responsive decisions

Prioritize what matters to your community

Get community feedback and suggestions in a flash so you can make responsive decisions.

Real-time insights

Get real-time insights from your community and validate your decisions quickly.

Get support for your strategic decisions

Leverage polls as part of the engagement process to understand your community’s opinion on your strategic choices.

Public polling tool

Public polling tool

Quick community feedback

Ask for quick feedback on a specific topic to understand community priorities.
Easy to set up
Effortlessly set up a poll with multiple questions and send it out to your targeted community in no time.
Multi-phase, multi-engagement projects
Build your own multi-phase project with polling as part of the process.

A quick start for responsive decisions

A quick start for responsive decisions

Prioritize what matters to your community

Get community feedback and suggestions in a flash so you can make responsive decisions.

Real-time insights

Get real-time insights from your community and validate your decisions quickly.

Get support for your strategic decisions

Leverage polls as part of the engagement process to understand your community’s opinion on your strategic choices.
polling projects
were launched using the CitizenLab platform
are using CitizenLab’s polling tool to make more inclusive and responsive decisions
Experience an average
increase in participation
when using our platform

See how the Polls tool is being used

Centralize your engagement efforts with CitizenLab's digital platform and make it easier to gather insightful, data-driven feedback from your community.

Blog article
Why you need a community engagement platform
Learn more
Blog article
The ladder of citizen participation and community engagement
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The beginner's guide to digital community engagement
Learn more