
Easily visualize your community’s preference on a map

View our features

Map community input

Use map-view to collect input

Invite your community to drop pins on a map and collect location-specific input.
Your own custom maps & layers
Modify your map with custom layers and perimeters to inform and steer your community.
Multi-phase, multi-engagement projects
Build your own multi-phase engagement process with multiple engagement methods.

Visualize your community’s preferences

Planning made easy

Know exactly where and what your community’s preference is in neighborhood planning projects.

Engage seamlessly

Share information and collect inputs seamlessly - all on the same map.

Zoom in on responses

Add different engagement methods to various phases to explore the nuances in your community’s feedback.

Map community input

Map community input

Use map-view to collect input

Invite your community to drop pins on a map and collect location-specific input.
Your own custom maps & layers
Modify your map with custom layers and perimeters to inform and steer your community.
Multi-phase, multi-engagement projects
Build your own multi-phase engagement process with multiple engagement methods.

Visualize your community’s preferences

Visualize your community’s preferences

Planning made easy

Know exactly where and what your community’s preference is in neighborhood planning projects.

Engage seamlessly

Share information and collect inputs seamlessly - all on the same map.

Zoom in on responses

Add different engagement methods to various phases to explore the nuances in your community’s feedback.
community planning projects
used CitizenLab’s Online Mapping feature in 2021
collaborated with their community using maps to co-create solutions
Experience an average
increase in participation
when using CitizenLab’s platform

See how the Mapping tool is being used

Centralize your engagement efforts with CitizenLab's digital platform and make it easier to gather insightful, data-driven feedback from your community.

Urban development: co-creating our space with digital tools
Learn more
Case study
How Lancaster, PA is improving their stormwater management using mapping tools and community ideation
Learn more
Blog post
How mapping tools and engagement software can advance placemaking projects
Learn more