
An intuitive management system on ISO certified platform.

View our features

Collaborate and manage permissions securely

Centralized admin view

Get a clear overview of which colleagues are fellow platform admins, and see the status of their projects in one place.
Automated assignments
Effortlessly categorize and assign the input you receive based on projects.
Secure permission management
Securely onboard your colleagues and configure their permissions.

Never miss out on community input

An intuitive dashboard

Effortlessly manage all engagement projects with your colleagues from one centralized dashboard.

A powerful collaboration tool

Automatically assign community members’ input to specific moderators, and never miss out on community input.

Easy management, top-notch security

Manage your platform’s permissions and effortlessly collaborate on our ISO 27001-certified secure platform.

Collaborate and manage permissions securely

Collaborate and manage permissions securely

Centralized admin view

Get a clear overview of which colleagues are fellow platform admins, and see the status of their projects in one place.
Automated assignments
Effortlessly categorize and assign the input you receive based on projects.
Secure permission management
Securely onboard your colleagues and configure their permissions.

Never miss out on community input

Never miss out on community input

An intuitive dashboard

Effortlessly manage all engagement projects with your colleagues from one centralized dashboard.

A powerful collaboration tool

Automatically assign community members’ input to specific moderators, and never miss out on community input.

Easy management, top-notch security

Manage your platform’s permissions and effortlessly collaborate on our ISO 27001-certified secure platform.
have trusted CitizenLab with their engagement projects
project managers
are co-developing their community engagement projects on the CitizenLab platform
CitizenLab platforms are
ISO 27001
certified for their security
and strong Information Security Management System (ISMS)

See how the Collaboration tool is being used

Centralize your engagement efforts with CitizenLab's digital platform and make it easier to gather insightful, data-driven feedback from your community.

Blog article
5 steps to build a culture of engagement in your city
Learn more
Blog article
How community engagement teams give local governments a competitive advantage
Learn more
The beginner's guide to digital community engagement
Learn more