Citizen Proposals

Empower your community to take ownership

View our features

Enable community members to submit their own project proposals

Complete proposal submission forms

Get full proposals with texts, visuals, attachments, budget, relevant categories, and location as metadata.
Integrated feedback tool
Make the process interactive with official feedback, threaded comments, mentions, and statuses.
Configurable functionalities
Full flexibility on the voting threshold, criteria, and information you want to provide as part of the proposal process.

Let your community take ownership

Empower your community to take ownership

Enable community members to develop their own proposals and build out the details of their envisioned projects.

Complete transparency & control

Ensure your community knows what to expect and easily provide updates with our integrated messaging tools.

Community-wide collaboration

Empower your community members to gather feedback on their proposals and help them collaborate with their fellow residents.

Enable community members to submit their own project proposals

Enable community members to submit their own project proposals

Complete proposal submission forms

Get full proposals with texts, visuals, attachments, budget, relevant categories, and location as metadata.
Integrated feedback tool
Make the process interactive with official feedback, threaded comments, mentions, and statuses.
Configurable functionalities
Full flexibility on the voting threshold, criteria, and information you want to provide as part of the proposal process.

Let your community take ownership

Let your community take ownership

Empower your community to take ownership

Enable community members to develop their own proposals and build out the details of their envisioned projects.

Complete transparency & control

Ensure your community knows what to expect and easily provide updates with our integrated messaging tools.

Community-wide collaboration

Empower your community members to gather feedback on their proposals and help them collaborate with their fellow residents.
In 2021, over
were submitted by residents to their local governments
community members
contributed proposal submissions in 2021
Experience an average
increase in participation
when using our platform

See how the Proposals tool is being used

Centralize your engagement efforts with CitizenLab's digital platform and make it easier to gather insightful, data-driven feedback from your community.

Case study
The ladder of citizen participation and community engagement
Learn more
Case study
Developing the Dominican Republic’s 2030 Digital Agenda through community engagement
Learn more
Blog post
Why you need a community engagement platform
Learn more